Saturday 7 July 2012

Snippets of Ottawa - squirrels!

We are currently working on fixing up the blog and making it look pretty, so apologies if you are checking it out and it keeps changing!! I'm still a beginner so there are still plenty of kinks to work out!

This post is about squirrels! I know most people will not be impressed, but for an Aussie these kind of creatures are pretty incredible. Just like koalas, kangaroos and wombats (etc., blah, blah boring haha) are to non-Aussies. Some people say squirrels are rats with fluffy tails, but so what? I think they are cute! We have a family of them living in the eaves of the house nextdoor. I like saying hello, though they aren't particularly chatty. The other day I busted a few of the babies playing in the backyard. Sooo adorable!!

Here in Ottawa there are grey ones, black ones and reddish ones. And as you can see, they are everywhere! It's not unusual to walk through a park and see twenty of them running around, chasing each other up trees and so on. A couple of weeks ago I saw a lady feeding them in a park and there were about a dozen near her, then they all ran up a tree. It was crazy! I realised that in Australia we don't really have an urban animal like squirrels. The closest would probably be a possum, but you don't really see them in inner city parks!

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