Tuesday 26 July 2011

1st July - Spearfish III

Today I wanted to re-admire the baby animals, but they must have been hiding. All we saw was a full-grown cow. An English couple moved in next door and like us, they were struggling to find good internet in order to Skype family members overseas. They were nice to talk to and said they had been coming over to the USA for summer over the past few years. They rented out their house and that was enough to pay for their time in the US! They live in York, which they said it pretty expensive. Tough life! They were really nice, but the man had quite a bad stutter and was sometimes a little difficult to understand. They were nice though.

That afternoon I found the hacky-sack and I totally wanted to go and play before we went and had a swim. So there I was, ready to do a cool trick (the one where you kick the hacky behind one leg with your other foot) when I slipped on the grass (I was on a slope) and my feet went out from under me and I landed really really awkwardly. There was a crack and something did not feel right. I just lay there thinking ‘uh-oh, please don’t let it be broken’ while I freaked out. I was able to pull my hurting leg out from my other leg and it didn’t feel broken, but it hurt like hell. Will helped me into Betsey, as I couldn’t put my foot down. I sat down for a while and felt really dizzy and like I was going to pass out, but I didn’t. I found it really hard to breathe, but I could think straight and was trying to tell Will where exactly it hurt (above my Achilles and also my ankle itself). He said I was in shock, but I didn’t feel like I was, so it must have been my body being in shock!

I lay down while Will went and bought some ice and then I read a book to take my mind off the ankle immobility and we followed the RICE in first aid (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate), except I think we used the ice a bit too frequently (10 on and about 20 off). My ankle felt really tight and when I tried to walk on it, it really hurt so I couldn’t put any pressure on it. After a delicious dinner of Will’s speciality cashew chicken (which I really couldn’t enjoy because I was freaking out wondering what I should do about my ankle. Emergency??) we drove to Macca’s to keep my Skype date with my parents. First time I’d seen them since March! They suggested I just go to the medical centre in the morning (just like the people at the RV park had suggested) so that’s what we decided to do. It was nice to talk to mum and dad and Eric and actually see them! I even gave them a quick tour of Betsey, well as much as they could see with my swinging the laptop around and showing them on the webcam!

After that we went back to the RV park and I made myself as comfortable as possible and managed to get some sleep. I must’ve been really conscious of not moving my ankle too much as I woke up in pretty well the same position as I’d fallen asleep (usually I move around a lot in my sleep). I had the Panadol close by just in case, but didn’t need it in the end. My ankle just felt really tight and as long I didn’t try to walk on it I was ok. 

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